Ocala Temple Church of God by Faith
Ruling Elder James & Prophetess Gwendolyn Ware
Pastor and Leading Lady
Service Times
Bible School- Wednesday Night – 7:00 pm
Sunday Worship- Sunday Morning- 10:00 am
At the Ocala Temple, Church of God by Faith,
We believe that man’s creation in God’s likeness included the ability to choose between right and wrong. Thus, man was made morally responsible and through the fall of Adam he became depraved. So, he can not now turn and prepare himself by his own natural strength and works of faith and calling upon God. But only by the grace of God, through Jesus Christ that is freely bestowed upon all men, enabling all who will to turn from sin to righteousness.
We believe on Jesus Christ for pardon and the cleansing from sin.
We believe that man, though in possession of the experience of regeneration and entire sanctification, may fall from grace and apostatize, and unless he repents of his sin, he will be hopelessly and eternally lost.
We believe that repentance, which is a sincere and thorough change of mind in regard to sin, involving a sense of personal guilt and voluntary turning away from sin is demanded of all who have by act or purpose become sinners against God. The Spirit of God gives to all that will repent the gracious help of penitence of heart and hope of mercy, that they may believe unto pardon and spiritual life.
We invite those who are believers in Christ as well as those who are not to join us as we learn more about the love of Jesus Christ. 
    for where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.                          Matthew 18:20  0

                                     MINISTRY SPOTLIGHT                     


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