Global Missions

Mission Statement

To minister, motivate, teach, serve, and train men, women, boys, and girls in becoming Disciples of Jesus Christ as well as Followers and Doers of His Holy Word

Vision Statement

To win souls for the Eternal Kingdom
          The Overall Purpose of Global Mission is to Recruit, Train, and Prepare Believers for Ministry                                                                                                   (St. Matthew 20:1-9)
  • Provide-basic needs to members in the church as well as the Poor and Needy
  • Visit- Hospitals, Rehabilitation Centers, Prisons, Home of the Sick & Shut-In, and other Government & Private Facilities such as               Orphanages, Community Youth Centers, etc.
  • Supply– Food, clothing, and care packages to Needy Recipients
  • Provide-Free Community Services to aid, assist, and educate
  • Offer– Educational Programs, Health & Wellness workshops, school scholarship seminars by utilizing school, hospital, and                       government personals
  • Design– Brochures, tracks, and visitation stationary for Witnessing
  • Organize– Fundraiser events to support and strengthen the local church’s general treasure
  • Support– Neighboring church ministries during revivals, conferences, and outreach services
  • Instructing& Training– the Next Generation of Believers in the Following Areas:
    • 1. How to witness to the public?
    • 2. Providing relevant service to the community
    • 3. The importance of stewardship
    • 4. Proficiency on topics relating to our church history, faith, and youth issues
    • 5. How to work in collaboration with the Pastor, District Superintendent, and the Bishop’s vision?
Director: Dr. Min. Leticia Hardy
Assistant Dir.: Sister A. McBride
Secretary: Sister Edna Brown