Mission Statement
We exist to be a powerful light for our Lord in this city; The “Salt” of the earth for His glory, and to show forth the hope of salvation in our daily living, for a dying humanity. Our purpose is to reach those who are lost for Christs’ sake by ALL means. The mission and purpose of this part of the body of Christ is to serve this present age to the glory of God!
“While we acknowledge the necessity of a mission statement which well defines the purpose and reason for this part of the Family of God; we also recognize the necessity to revisit, refocus, and reaffirm the mission and vision as time progresses.
“We believe God for what’s next! The ‘abundant life’ is the heritage of all God’s Children, but it will come at a cost, and those who are willing invest themselves; ‘Next-Level Living’ is within your grasp!”
Vision Statement
“We are a people preparing for “Next-Level Living; a people preparing for the Abundant Life!”